A review by ellietonkin
The Square of Sevens by Laura Shepherd-Robinson


Just… wow. I’ve never felt so betrayed by a protagonist as I have with Red and yet I support her still even knowing what I know. (I support women’s rights and also women’s wrongs!) She’s so manipulative - the way the author weaves truths and inconsistencies together to form a story that’s simply so believable… and it’s all a lie. The ending surprised me, if only because of how simple it was, but I think it was well deserved.
Poor, poor Luna. I hated her upon introduction but the revelations caused me to see her and Jemima in a new light and I was so glad that Luna found peace in the end. If only Jemima could’ve been saved. :( The circumstances surrounding the baby and John Jory’s death are still on my mind and probably will be for some time, as I’m still coming to terms with it all. It was such a punch in the gut.

This book deserves all the hype and more. I will definitely be checking out the author’s other books.