A review by b_mcg
Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, July/August 2020 by Benja­min Rosenbaum, Richard Schiffman, Sean Monaghan, Ray Nayler, Ted Kosmatka, Erwin S. Strauss, Robert Silverberg, Sheila Williams, Tom Purdom, Will McIntosh, Megan Lindholm, James Patrick Kelly, Peter Wood


Nic and Viv's Compulsory Courtship 3/5
Tool Use by the Humans of Danzhai County 4/5
The Beast Adjoins 4/5
Marbles 2/5
Father 3/5
The Last Water Baron 2/5
We All Lose if They Take Mizuba 2/5
Imaginary Children 2/5
Bereft, I Come to a Nameless World 3/5
Why I'll Never Get Tenure 2/5
Generations 2/5