A review by bee_thebibliophile
Fallen Jester by Devney Perry


Okay, first thing - accidental pregnancy is not the trope for me. But, because I don’t like to miss things in series, I gave this one a go and it was better than I expected.

Leo Winter is a playboy - partying hard, always with a new woman and has quite the reputation around Clifton Forge. Since the Tin Gypsies disbanded, he’s felt like he didn’t know what to do with himself, spending most of his free time at The Betsy. He loves his brothers more than anything and misses the camaraderie that came from the MC. Leo is an artist - drawing his own tattoos, painting masterpieces on the garage’s custom builds and going with the flow, setting his own schedule. Even after moving Cass in to his home, he still holds on to his playboy image, just without the hooking up…which didn’t sit well with me at all.

Cassandra (Cass) Cline was kidnapped with Scarlet in the previous book and is having a hard time figuring out how to move on and also has the added complication of being pregnant after a one night stand with Leo. Cass is determined to make her way on her own and be happy with the baby once it comes but feels a pull to Leo. Even though she’s an intelligent woman, she constantly fails to communicate with Leo about her wants and needs and is too afraid to ask him hard questions until she’s already past her breaking point. While she gets a bit better by the end, I felt like her family and Leo had her on a pedestal that she didn’t necessarily deserve to be on.

After their one night stand and consequent blow up after Cass’s pregnancy news, Cass and Leo don’t speak for 6 months while she finishes her degree and then suddenly end up living together once she’s back in town. They don’t really have anything in common except for the baby coming soon. Eventually they fall back into hooking up, making things complicated between them. Once Seraphina is born, they suddenly become a perfect little family? It felt really unlikely and kind of over the top for my liking.

Some of the suspense was interesting but I didn’t feel as invested in it as I did with other books in this series. Even though the former Tin Gypsies were hyper vigilant in all other aspects of their lives, when all the accidents started piling up for Leo they didn’t seem to give it as much thought as I expected them to. I essentially read this book to get to Emmett’s story next, but was surprised that I didn’t dislike it as much as I anticipated. On to Emmett’s story and the conclusion of the series next!