A review by sjj169
Kick-Ass by Mark Millar


It's happened-I've turned into a comic book nerd. I was one when a child and now I've gotten sucked back into that abyss..and I like it.

This book was pure awesomeness.
Dave is just that nerdy kid. He reads comic books and hangs out with his friends when not fantasizing about his biology teacher. His mom has recently passed away and his dad works long hours at night. Dave realizes it doesn't take trauma to make you a super hero: just loneliness and despair. So he suits up.

Dave does not have an easy time with the whole superhero thing. He gets the crap beat out of him. A whole lot. Poor kid.

He tries to hang up the crime fighting hat but then along comes a guy dressed up like a superhero named "Red Mist", that kinda pisses off our Kick-Ass hero so he dons the suit again and they team up.

Now this book is violent as shit. You have a 10 year old girl who cusses more than I do.

However, this book is one of my favorite comics that I have read so far. *whispers read this*