A review by pensivepelican
Case of the Bleus: A Cheese Shop Mystery by Korina Moss


Gone for Gouda is the second volume in Korina Moss’ Cheese Shop Mystery series. Protagonist Willa Bauer is excited that her Cheese Shop, Curds & Whey would be hosting Phoebe Winston, a famous vegan chef and influencer. Not because Willa was a huge fan, but because she hoped Phoebe’s influence would help put her cheese shop on the map. Things soon go awry. First, it’s revealed that Phoebe is not vegan at all. Then, Phoebe is murdered and Willa’s young assistant, Archie is the prime suspect. It’s up to Willa to save him and her shop.

Looking forward to the next one!

I received this Advanced Reader Copy of Gone for Gouda from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.