A review by ltramz
The Island by Ben Coes


I've enjoyed Ben Coes' past novels and really wanted to escape into another Dewey Andreas story. But the storyline continuity was too faulty to be able to smoothly read. It's as if Coes forgot what he had previously written and rewrote the same stuff but differently.
After the clay shoot on the Farragut's yacht Dewey eats breakfast sitting on a deck chair chatting with other people, then he gets up, and goes below to take a shower. Next thing we know Dewey is on the deck eating breakfast when he's contacted in his earbud that he is needed to save the day and goes to get weapons.
Also, why are two inactive NOCs wearing earbuds? Am I to believe they always wear them? Even though one hasn't been active in years?
Don't get me wrong, I like the characters. I'd love for Rob Tacoma to get another book of his own. I would simply like Coes and his proof-readers to check the stories for continuity, like a script supervisor does for movies.