A review by kgimm29
The Land of Dreams by Vidar Sundstol, Vidar Sundstøl


I don't know what to think of this book. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. It takes place in Northern Minnesota so that is why I was initially interested in it. It starts off well with a murder and needing to figure out who did it, but the main character really bugged me. He is such a pussy. How is this a hero? This is book one in a trilogy, and I'll most likely read the others just to see how this all wraps up. I think what really got to me in this book was the fact that NOTHING happened. It was 300 pages describing a murder investigation and a wimpy forest cop and there was no resolution. I know that it's a trilogy, but the author could have at least concluded who the murderer was and THEN set up book two for something like a man hunt or trial, etc. Like I said before, it wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. Unfortunately I do care enough to read the other two books.