A review by nika_nix
Hollow City by Ransom Riggs


I can't express my feelings right now. I'm shocked, frustrated, angry, happy and over all overwhelmed with feels. I can't. It's too much for me. How could Ransom Riggs do that to me? He broke my heart dozens of times, he made me so frustrated at the ending and I hate this book and love it at the same time. It's absoulutely amazing, and totally heartbreaking. Screw you, how can you mess up with my feelings like that?!

I lov Jacob so much, I could connct with him and I loved being inside his head. I like him in Hollow City even more that in the first book, I loved his relationship with the other characters, especially one character (*cough* EMMA *cough*). He's great and I absolutely adore him. There's that. Emma was awesome again. She's badass and I love how everyone look up on her. Emma is great and I love her so much, she's such a strong female character and she was not annoying even for a second. I especially admired her at the end when she was strong enough to say Jacob h has to go home even though that meant she'd lose him. That scene was so heartbreaking, and amazing, and beautiful, and I'm probably going to talk about it more. I liked Millard a lot, I'm glad we got to meet him more in this book and I guess he was the brains of the team. I felt sorry for him, though, because he's invisible and he could never live a 'normal' life. However, he's a really great character and I loved him! I did not like Enoch at all, he was annoying with all his pessimism! He also surprised me a lot when he showed Esme one of his clay dolls to comfort her, I did not expect that from him but that was the only nice thing he did throughout the whole book, though. I liked Bronwyn a lot. She cares about the others a lot and she's so compassionate. I would never expect that from her because of her peculiarity. I mean, I would expect her to be stone-cold, withouth feelings but that just shows how author tried to go against stereotypes. I like that! I also liked Olive, she was so cute and adorable, very loveable character. Another character I liked is Hugh. When his bees saved all of them, it was great but the scene where he said how the bees were his friend and now they died to save them really hit me. It was so beautiful and I never thought about that before he said that. All in all, I liked how every character is different and has it's own personality, it makes the story more realistic (if that's possible) and we can connect with all the characters better. Ranson Riggs did a very good job there.

Hollow City was much better than Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children but I maybe liked the first book a bit better, don't ask me why. First book was all about mystery, finding out all the secrets and meeting the peculiar world but the second book is all about adventure, action and survival. I like both types of books and they were so different that I can't really choose which one is better. I still love Ransom Riggs' writting style and the photographs made the atmosphere even better but I think that there were more photographs in the first book than in the second. Hollow City was very fast paced, action-packed and interesting, I flew through it. There was a lot of plot twists, no slow parts and I loved every single page of it. It was fun read, very interesting and different. I never knew what was going to happen and even when I thought it's over, whene there were only few pages left, we got another plot twist and shit went down AGAIN! Yeah, this book ended on a cliffhanger AGAIN and it frustrates me so much! It didn't bother me that the first book ended on a cliffhanger because I jumped on the second book immediately but now I can't do that because Hollow City came out this year and God knows when will the third book come out. Not fair! I was so sure these books are duology and now I find out that there are more books (I like that, but I wish the next book to come out VERY soon which is probably not going to happen). Not cool, Ransom Riggs! This book was very intense, we got a lot of action and the thing I liked the most - we got to meet the characters a lot better and connect to them more. It broke my heart when Emma was convincing Jacob to go home and when he decided she's right. I was so sad and I only hoped that he's going to change his mind by the ond of the book (what happened, YEAH!). I was so fangirling when Jacob said Emma that he loves her, it was so adorable and pefrect and I ship them so hard! The ending was bitter-sweet to me (if we forget the fact that it's a cliffhanger). I liked how Jacob talked to his father and told him that he's staying with Emma (not with these words, though) and I absoulutely adored when he said: "I'm peculiar." But now I have no idea what is going to happen to all the other peculiar children and Miss Peregrine, and the thing I'm worried about the most - what will happen to Emma? Because they're in present now and there is no way for them to go back in time and I'm afraid that she's going to die. Nope, that can't happen! I refuse to read the book if that's was is going to happen. But this book was amazing, great and I absolutely adore it. It was a rollercoaster of feelings and I laughed and cried and I do not regret a second of reading it. Amazing read, recommend!