A review by brents
The Buried Girl by Richard Montanari


Had to go ahead and DNF this at the 50 percent mark. Even though I've read other books I've enjoyed from this author and I enjoyed the audiobook performance this story and characters were doing absolutely nothing for me.

The back cover copy of the book spoils a major event that doesn't take place until almost 20 percent into the book for starters. Then after that the story changes quite a bit as the setting changes and more characters are thrown into the mix. And for the next 30 percent it felt like very little was happening and the main character was doing almost nothing that was of interest to me. Also the historical flashbacks didn't work for me at all and just muddied the plot. I was expecting a detective thriller, and honestly there was very little detecting and less thrilling.

I'm going to stick to this author's Byrne and Balzano detective books going forward because I enjoy those. This standalone is a complete miss.