A review by mickeymole
Dream of Orchids by Phyllis A. Whitney


I used to enjoy reading Whitney’s novels when I was a youngster, but that was a long time ago. Now that a ton of novels have passed through my skull of mush, I just found this one trite. I had to drudge through it, almost giving up several times. What kept me going was that I’m a sucker for mystery. I had to learn what was going on. So, I plowed through the unnatural, chopped off dialogue, feeling as if I were using mules instead of a John Deere tractor. I could feel every rock I hit, and this field was especially stony.

“...I walked along, trying not to think at all.” The words of our heroine and narrator. Though she was speaking of a particular time here, I think it sums up her entire life in the novel. She came over as rather dense without a backbone. Not what I’m looking for in a heroine. I kept yelling at her to quit doing stupid things and putting up with the way the rest of the cast of unlikable characters treated her.

The only character I half-way liked turned out to be the culprit. Ugh. The ending seemed slapped on like a conclusion to a term paper written the night before it’s due. Except for the nice descriptions of Key West, this was just a waste of time.