A review by res_curans
Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God by Francis Chan


Halfway through the book, I started drafting my review, planning to rip it apart point by point — but now that I’ve finished the book I have no desire to finish my already inordinately long review, and it’s not worth that much of your time anyway. Suffice to say: in part because it’s based on a common misinterpretation of the “lukewarm” verse in Revelation (look it up in G.K. Beale’s commentary, p. 275ff*), this book is essentially a legalistic-evangelical motivational speech, complete with threats of hell, “what will they say at your funeral?” guilt trips, sloppy argumentation, mind-boggling contradictions, and plugs for his own website.

*TL;DR - “lukewarm” refers to the water in Laodicea, which was brought to the city from two other cities nearby also with churches in them, where the water was hot and cold, respectively. Hot water had healing properties, and cold water was refreshing, whereas lukewarm water was not only useless, but also nauseating. It’s used as a metaphor for the Laodicean church which prided itself on its wealth and self-reliance; Jesus chastises it for failing to perform any useful ministry or bear witness in its city. It’s a warning against complacency, spiritual compromise, prosperity gospel, and faith without works - NOT an exhortation to get more fired up for Jesus, give away all your possessions, come to church more, etc.