A review by bloopers
The Beast by Brendan Reichs, Ally Condie


Okay wow, this book felt so much better than the first one. Let me explain.

Topic 1: Characters

The characters here all get somewhat equal amount of book time without it getting too overboard. Thing is, you don't get to learn any more about them. In the last book, you got to learn about how his dad was able to save a bunch of owls, but here, there is little to no mention about that, and there is no new information about the kids' families. So while the characters were introduced more, they didn't give more pieces of their own lives.

Topic 2: Worldbuilding

You don't exactly get to learn more about really everything since the gist of it was written in the first book There are a few more bits and pieces near the end, but overall there are few new things introduced in the book.

Topic 3: Writing

This is somewhat like the saving grace of this book. First of all, the dual viewpoints. They actually matter in this book with more of the character's thoughts and separate reactions really taking place, and the book would've felt like a different experience without them.
The authors do a good job of hooking the reader in and while not making me scared, it did have me looking behind my back from time to time.

Topic 4: Should You Get This Book?

Yes, I would definitely interest people to get this book. Not counting the condition of reading the first one, The Darkdeep, it's not overly scary, but it does have a plot that gets you running to the end.

Topic 5: Final Thoughts

A fun and perfectly paced book, The Beast gets a 3.5 stars from me.