A review by bunnieslikediamonds
Bury Your Dead by Louise Penny


Another solid mystery by Louise Penny, set in Quebec City and filled with historical detail and wintry atmosphere. I learned more about Quebec's history reading this than I did visiting the city.

This time, Inspector Gamache is guiltridden and recovering from a botched terrorist attack, but is of course as congenial as ever. It's nice for a change to find a fictional officer of the law who is kind, well-mannered and happily married with no substance abuse problems whatsoever, but I do wish Armand would be allowed some flaws. Perhaps he might just once snap at his adoring wife, or let out a little "merde" when he stumbles upon a body? No? Ok. I suppose he really is that nice.

There are three different plot lines which I won't get into since for me they're not really the focus of the book. The characters and the city itself are what makes this enjoyable. Gamache and his grumpy collegue Beauvoir are surrounded by stuffy Anglos, irascible Francophones and the occasional separatist (and a very likeable German shephard). Throw in a few murderers and you have yourself a perfect holiday read.