A review by themushroomalien
It's OK to Be Angry About Capitalism by Bernie Sanders


As you can probably imagine this book was difficult to read. Living in late stage capitalism is one of the greatest hells I’ve ever experienced. Capitalism as an idea isn’t inherently evil. It’s the humans that run the system that are corrupt. Greed, is a great motivator. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

So, what can be done? That’s a question we hear all the time. “The system is broken!” we scream. The truth is the system was set up this way. It isn’t broken, therefore it cannot be fixed…but it can be changed. This book outlines many solutions to the problem of uber-capitalism. There are things that can be done. There are bills that are ready to go, that, if passed, would change our entire country in as little as five years.

Free healthcare, free tuition, basic universal income, saving our planet, and more are all very real possibilities. We are being told that it simply cannot be done, that there just isn’t enough money to go around. This is a blatant lie. We are the richest country in the world. There is no excuse. So let’s, We The People, take on the bourgeoisie together and fight uber-capitalism so that us and our children may have a bright future.