A review by akel104
With This Heart by R.S. Grey


This is definitely a young adult novel transitioning into an NA. If you enjoyed The Fault in our Stars you might enjoy this as it covers similar themes. Any hard core TFioS fans would probably consider this less-profound than that of the YA King’s biggest novel to date but If you aren’t pretentious and can appreciate a book in its own right then you will love this as much as I did.

Grey never fails me in the female character department. Abby Mae is naive and yet brave, innocent yet has survived more than most. Her subtle, unassuming humour was delightful while her typical teenage temperament was realistic. She was just a really well-rounded character, very well written.

Beck on the other hand may be one of my new favourite book boyfriends!

He was slightly typical in the John Green style I meant above but there was still that sexy, roguishness to him that made him ‘physically’ attractive. Their witty banter together kept what could have been ‘yet another teen drama’ alive.

The Bad: I’m not one to be the fussed with realism so this isn’t really a complaint, I just didn’t get their first encounter. I understood the significance of the funeral home and how their awkward meeting shaped their relationship, it just didn’t seem like enough. I can’t explain it - you might get it if you’ve read it though.

The Good: I really loved the humour. Their banter was adorable and it was so nice to see them having a laugh even during the most heated/awkward sexual moments. That’s so natural for a couple and that’s what I enjoy most about these books. Some times outward crazy unrealistic drama is what you need, and sometimes an element that you can relate to is nice too. I also loved the storyline with poor, sweet Caroline. Does that make me morbid?

Overall: A really sweet, charming story. i’d recommend to any YA lovers who aren’t judgemental against novels that have a similar storyline to hugely popular novels of recent times. I loved this book in its own right and it was so enjoyable to read, I beamed almost the entire way through (not all the way though, because that would be morbid).