A review by natiesreads99
Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover


I've established that after three books Colleen Hoover just isn't for me, especially this one. Maybe Someday was my least favorite out of the three that I read and it was so cringe worthy at times. Maybe if I read it a couple of years ago, back when I was into Hush Hush, I would think this is a good book. This book felt like it was fanfiction of some sort, the way it was written, the characters, the things that happen. The fact that this is "New Adult" is sorta concerning since I don't actually think adults behave like this but anyways.

Things I disliked:

1.The Characters.
Every. Single. Character. Sucked. I did not end up liking none of the characters. The main character, Sydney, was ALWAYS crying to the point that it felt childish. Sure she went through a break-up and the situation would be hard on her, completely understandable. But, she would cry for no reason at all. Oh and of course she had to be described as the most beautiful blonde girl with the perfect smile, body, hair, etc. Nothing wrong with that whatsoever but every single main character of Hoover's books has the same physical features. And of course Sydney had to just get out of a relationship with the douchiest guy on the face of the planet with a name that is just unlikable, Hunter. We were meant to dislike him, I get it but Christ some things were so fanfictiony

Also of course Sydney had to hate the other also perfect blonde girl that was living with her, Bridgette. Of course Bridgette had to be called a bitch nearly every page of this book. Of course she was a heartless superficial barbie that was also incredibly dumb and looked down upon! Sydney barely knew Bridgette before calling her a bitch, I mean really, someone's trying to help you and got annoyed and they're immediately a bitch because they're also pretty on top of everything?

Warren, I could not stand him 99% of the time. Warren who all he likes to do is watch porn (which is literally all he talks about), have sex, screw Bridgette and then also call her a bitch and of course think the only solution to a girl's problem is to be "fucked so hard you'll never think about Ridge again." He was the obvious guy friend who only cares about sex, has nothing else of value to his personality and the only conversation material he has is his sex stories. Nice going.

Ridge, the deaf guy who plays guitar and is helplessly in love with two perfect described girls, what a bummer. The way Sydney and Ridge interacted just left me with question marks most of the times. I would think that a deaf person or a friend of a deaf person would want to learn sign language sooner than Sydney did. All they did was text, write and IM each other which is fine but seemed a bit off to me. Especially when he would WRITE three pages long of his feelings down on paper, highly unlikely but okay. Ridge was alright for the most part but he was just so similar to other love interests Hoover has written about, the only thing that was added was the fact that he was deaf.

2.The writing
Now Hoover isn't per se a bad writer, her writing is easy to understand and its fast paced which is very nice. But, with that being said I felt like a sixteen year old wrote this book. I literally felt like I was reading a Wattpad story, which isn't necessarily a bad thing but reading the poetry from Slammed I know that Hoover has way more potential. I mean, "I catch myself holding my breath, and I don't even realize I'm doing it until I'm gasping for air." Really?

Overall I just finished this book because it was easy to finish, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone unless you're into books that look like fanfiction cause this has it all!