A review by qalminator
Shoggoths in Bloom and Other Stories by Scott Lynch, Elizabeth Bear

Will add gradual updates as I get through each story, then final thoughts after finishing.

Introduction - (2012) - essay by Scott Lynch - An introduction that actually held my attention, and had some fine wordcrafting of its own.
Tideline - (2007) [5 stars, 2 tentacles] - Beautifully poignant and tragic and optimistic and... this is what a short story should be. The only remotely Lovecraftian bit is the other-ness of the POV character.
Sonny Liston Takes the Fall - (2008) [3 stars, 2.5 tentacles] - Well written, but a bit hard to follow. Maybe if I knew more about boxing? And Muhammad Ali's non-boxing accomplishments? Attempts to tie him to a sacrificial king tradition, presided over by ... the living embodiment of Las Vegas? I think?
Sounding - (2006) - [4 stars, 3 tentacles] - Following a whale and her calf to the motherlode of all tuna swarms. Suggested that they may not be on the earth as we know it, but not in a creepy way. Captain decides he'd rather stay. Written differently, this would have a very strong Lovecraftian feel. As is, this feels almost ... wistful, or nostalgic, which is not a complaint.
The Something-Dreaming Game - (2007) [3.5 stars, 3.5 tentacles] - Very odd one, where a child repeatedly auto-asphyxiates herself to communicate with an alien (or possibly is insane, but I think the literal interpretation is more likely). Interesting, but also tragic.
The Cold Blacksmith - (2006) [4 stars, 1 tentacle] - Somewhere between a myth and a fairy tale, with a blacksmith, a witch, and someone who needs a heart "reforged".
In the House of Aryaman, a Lonely Signal Burns - (2012) [3 stars, 2 tentacles] - Odd, long-ish mystery tale, featuring talking cats, a VR-addicted mother, and really impressive cosmetic surgery. Parts of it I liked, but it dragged on a bit.
Orm the Beautiful - (2007) [3 stars, 2 tentacles] - Haunting story of self-sacrifice and a sort of "first contact", but I found it more odd than engaging.
The Inevitable Heat Death of the Universe - (2006) [3 stars, 3 tentacles] - Odd pastiche about a shark at the end of the universe (and, hence, the beginning). I'd read this one before, somewhere, probably before I was familiar with Bear as an author.
Love Among the Talus - [The Eternal Sky] - (2006) - [4 stars, 1.5 tentacles] - Very odd anti-fairy tale, where the would-be bride is rather more practical about things than most.
Cryptic Coloration - (2007)
The Ladies - (2012)
Shoggoths in Bloom - (2008)
The Girl Who Sang Rose Madder - (2008)
Dolly - (2011)
Gods of the Forge - (2011)
Annie Webber - (2008)
The Horrid Glory of Its Wings - (2009)
Confessor - (2010)
The Leavings of the Wolf - (2011)
The Death of Terrestrial Radio - (2012)