A review by pajge
Bonfire by Krysten Ritter


I really, really wanted to give this five stars. Mostly just because I love Jessica Jones. But, no. This isn't worthy of five stars.
I swear, there were so many useless characters popped in. Like this one lady with a disfigured kid, and we went nowhere with that bit of knowledge. This book could have saved us a lot of useless paragraphs by cutting out one or two characters.
The ending was a mess...Kind of. It worked out in the last chapter, but as I was reading the last ten I was so lost.
Still, I liked how it ended. It was an action scene, and although I think there could have been so many better ways to end the book, I'm kind of glad it ended that way. It made me slightly more into the story.
Abby, our main character, is barely ever referenced by her name. I forgot her name so many times before, but in the middle Krysten Ritter suddenly starts addressing her by 'Abby' or 'Abigail' a whole lot more. The character wasn't my favorite.
I really loved Kaycee though, and the prologue was perfection. Certainty my favorite part of the book. It interested me. The plot didn't sound that good, but I ended up enjoying it.
This is labeled as a thriller, yet I wasn't really scared until the ending. Remember how I said it was an action scene? Yeah, well, one of the characters really got me scared during that part.
Her writing is good. It's nothing great, nothing that I'd call five stars, maybe 3.5? For a debut author, I think it was alright. It wasn't like her style was different from most of the others I've read, just average.
One of the main reasons this book got the 4 stars I gave it I because of Kaycee, the girl I referenced before. She was so interesting and her whole case was way more interesting than the main character. If we could've gotten this book taking place a few years earlier, with Kaycee's point of view, I would have liked it way more than I did.
All in all this is a good read. Nothing ground breaking, but a nice little book.