A review by tetiana
The Call of Cthulhu and Other Dark Tales by H.P. Lovecraft

I’ve been a long time fan of Lovecraftian mythos, but I’ve never actually read the original stories, deciding to bypass all the racism and go straight to other people’s work instead. Nonetheless, the time has finally come when my curiosity got the better of me, and, well… I don’t know what I expected, honestly. After all, everyone who talks about Lovecraft and/or his work always points out the racism of it.

It took me a couple of weeks to get through this collection, because a third of the way in I had to take a break to read a couple of soothing romances. I just couldn’t take his shit anymore.

The stories themselves often present intriguing and spooky ideas, but every single one is mired in xenophobic crap all over. Also Lovecraft’s writing, on top of containing vile messages, is just not that good.

I didn’t particularly enjoy the experience of familiarizing myself with Lovecraft’s work, and I think I’ll steer clear of it from now on. There are plenty of truly talented creators writing today, who are able to realize the full potential of cosmic horror, and their heroes are not a bunch of pathetic nerds ranting about people of color, Jews, and women.

No, thank you.