A review by randomly_kait
Demon Magic and a Martini by Annette Marie



I mean, I'd be okay with that. (shhh!! don't tell the others, but Ezra and Zak are my favorites)

And speaking of Zak...

Are we going to get to see more of my irritatingly handsome druid? Because I really need some more of him in my life right now.

I've been in kind of a reading... slump? slow down? I don't know. I have about 14 library books at home, but none of them have been calling my name. And half of them are contemporary books, which I absolutely have no desire to read right now. But this book was EXACTLY what I needed to read.

I love how strong everyone's sense of friendship is throughout these books. They would do literally anything for each other. I also appreciate all the character growth that's happening. Tori has come such a long way from book one, and a lot of that happened in this book. She finally decided that living in her happy little oblivious bubble wasn't a thing that was going to work anymore.

I love love love the new characters that were introduced in this book, and I'm super excited for the spin off that's going to be happening.

The only thing I don't like is the fact that I have to wait until September/October before I can read anything else by this amazing author (I've read all her other books, obvi) Maybe it's time for a re-read of one of her other series while I wait.