A review by rebelrider
The Girl Who Owned a City by O.T. Nelson


I found this book in the young adult section of the library which I find odd considering that most kids over the age of thirteen would be bored by this book. It had an interesting plot but the author did a pretty poor job of making it realistic.
All the people over age twelve died and the children are on their own. The kids manage to band together and find enough food to survive. They had to learn to fight off the gangs of mean kids who want to take their food.
What I couldn’t figure out is how the gangs of 100+ kids could have survived a year without the food supplies. Sure, the girl’s “city” had a supply but the gangs would have starved off pretty quickly. It never said what had happened to the adult’s bodies which still would have been laying around unless the ten year olds had buried them. (I wondered if mentioning bodies would have been too grim for the age group the book was intended for.)
The book’s language was also very simple as if the author was afraid that kids wouldn’t be able to understand anything that was even slightly complicated. I gave it three stars because I thought maybe ten year old kids might like it but it’s not a book many kids over thirteen would be interested in.