A review by rheam1224
Starflight by Melissa Landers


2.5/5 stars

It was alright. Like I knew what I was getting myself into when I read the synopsis, it was kind of predictable. But still. Honestly I read this in the hopes I get some inspiration for my own story which in a way it did!

I know the elements I like that I may put into my story:
- sci-fi fast-paced setting
- found-family trope
- nothing too complicated in regards to plot
- people from different backgrounds/experiences/beliefs/values
- complementary character dynamics

And tbh I say all of these things very loosely because I felt like the story merely touched the surface of these concepts? Granted, it is a duology so I shouldnt be too harsh. Well.

The main thing that grinded my nerves the more I kept reading (or listening to the audiobook) was the romance. Just. The fuckign romance. It was necessary. I get the whole Cassia/Kane thing like that shit makes sense to me. But Solara and Doran???? AS A ROMANTIC COUPLE??? nope. Don't see it. :/ they better worked as a platonic duo...but considering that the second book dived deeper into Cassia and Kane's story in Cassia's POV, it sort of (not really) makes sense to dive faster into Solara and Doran to get it out of the way??? For the sequel??? I don't know. I thought I was making sense as I wrote that but I guess not....

At the end of it all, it was a fun read. I laughed. I cringed (heavily, oh my god so heavily I wanted to cry). I...sighed. I hehe'd. It was fast-paced which really helped a lot so thats great there. And the world building wasn't too complicated for my brain to wrap around. Though the whole Doran being a quarterback always threw me for a loop cuz its the most... Earth-normal thing out of the whole story so.

So yeah. Now onto the next book in the books that I'm finally getting around to cuz of quarantine. Yayyyy (idk if that's excited or dreading?)