A review by heree
Reap by Tillie Cole


My main issue with this book was that Talia took advantage of Zaal's "broken" state for selfish reasons because she was desperate to be in a relationship. She had the upper hand in their dynamic when he was still chained to the basement and even admitted lying to her brother for weeks about Zaal's state so Luka couldn't tell him where he came from. It took Zaal himself asking Talia about his past for her to do anything about it and I think that's simply unfair. And when he finds out she's the enemy he doesn't even get any real time to process that information and how that affects things with Talia.

Meanwhile, Talia had all the time in the world to make her own decisions about how she felt about him and about him being the enemy for WEEKS prior because she knew everything way before he did. It's like he finds out she's the enemy, is disgusted with her for two seconds, makes eye contact with her and all of that rage disappears instantly? Bottom line: Zaal's perspective on this issue, his family, and being with the enemy deserved more time and processing, especially considering the book has to do with HIS story. In Raze I thought Talia was level-headed and smart but this book made me dislike her.

Overall, I wasn't invested in their romance and found myself skimming through a lot of their scenes together. Not a terrible read but not a great one either.