A review by lenoreo
Evergreen by Brenda Pandos


2.5 stars -- This book fell short for me, which is too bad b/c I was captured in the first book. Unfortunately there were little things that bothered me in the first book that kind of got worse in this book. Ash rubbed me wrong quite a few times -- it's like she became less mature as time went on. I know she's dealing with being apart from Fin and all, but she started acting more and more like a young teenager instead of one that is almost 18 (with the way she dealt with her Mom and Lucy especially). I wasn't sad to be missing Tatchi for the whole book, but then we ended up with Galadriel, who was even worse. I'm assuming we're supposed to eventually like her, but that's going to be hard. She acted even younger than Ash, though I suppose if I was being generous I could blame that on her upbringing.

Sometimes the plot felt all over the place...I don't know how to explain it, but it just didn't flow as well for me.

But my biggest problem was Ash and Fin falling into the trope of not telling each other the truth. *sigh* It's not that I hate that all the time, but I really hated it in this book. I could NOT get behind either of them. At least Fin occasionally came clean, but it just...speechless.

Oh wait, is that my biggest problem? I also hated Colin and Alaster (as I'm supposed to), but they almost felt like they didn't fit into this YA story sometimes. I mean, there were some pretty traumatizing confrontations there, and I guess I didn't always like how it was handled. But that might be just me being uber sensitive.

So after all that, why'd I round up to 3 stars? I'm not sure. B/C it wasn't all bad. There were moments where I was enjoying myself. And I guess b/c I *wanted* it to be better? Or I *wanted* to enjoy it more.... Alas, I'm not likely going to read the next one.