A review by vistacanas
Bohemian Manifesto: A Field Guide to Living on the Edge by Laren Stover


I'm thrilled that my search for "Bohemian" on Amazon led me to this book! Not only did Laren Stover confirm my recent suspicions that I have "Bohemian" leanings, but I even know exactly what kind of Bohemian I am..."Nouveau" through and through (the only type that doesn't feel a need to wallow in poverty!).

I had more than a few chuckles as I read about the many quirks of Nouveau, Beat, Zen, Gypsy, and Dandy Bohemians. Now there is no doubt in my mind why I have always felt a bit out of place in my ultra-surburban life...I was all over the pages of this "Manifesto" from the music I listen to, to the way I cook and eat out, to the products I buy and the stores I shop in, to the way I relate to people...I do have some further exploration in the fashion and home decor departments to do. Thankfully, my sedate suburban life has kept me from being a totally outrageous Bohemian...I can assure you that I do not drink absinthe or take occasional mini-vacations in mental hospitals.

I know it's very un-Bohemian of me to feel happy about being slapped with a label, but I am quite proud to be in a "club" with the likes of so many incredibly intellectual, creative & unconventional artists and writers. The next time I have an incongruous suburban moment, I will just imagine sharing a meaningful glance with Pablo Picasso, Billie Holiday, or Laren Stover herself.