A review by johnlynchbooks
Negative Space: An Anthology of Survival Horror by Various, Aric Sundquist


Negative Space, from Dark Peninsula Press is an anthology of survival horror. What you ask, is survival horror? Well, it’s a term coined from ps1 era games such as resident evil. It’s about atmosphere, dread, scavenging supplies. Hoping to hell that last bullet takes down that creature.

If the video game inspiration doesn’t sell you, that’s fine. I’ve read the book, I can tell you the stories stand on their own. They embody what survival horror is about and make it their own on these pages. Hell, I’m sure you’ve read survival horror without realizing that’s what you read.

I really enjoyed this collection and there wasn’t much here in the way I could have done without. All of the stories did what they set out to do, and did it quite well. A few of my favorite here were

Luminescence by Scott Milder
The Collectors by Michelle Tang
It’s inside by S.R. Miller
Curiosity’s Child by Jude Reid
Midnight, off Arkansas River Trail by Eric J. Guignard

This is one of the better collections I’ve read this year. I had a good time with it. There are some good scares, good monsters and well done action sequences within the pages. I’m looking forward to seeing what Dark Peninsula does next.