A review by annaka
Food Rules: An Eater's Manual by Michael Pollan

challenging informative inspiring reflective medium-paced


Overall, an interesting read with some helpful tips. It seems like it could be overwhelming to many (including myself) or reinforce some negatives of diet culture if you’re prone, but Pollan does acknowledge that treats are okay and that doing some of the rules can still be an improvement. There is some privilege in many of the rules (such as cook for yourself or avoid food like substances(processed foods)) so I would encourage readers to give themselves grace and implement the rules they are able to and that feel most beneficial to them. 

Here are some of the rules I found most interesting or helpful and their approximate minute mark: 

37 m: In countries where people eat a pound or more of fruit and vegetables a day, the rate of cancer is half of what it is in the US. 

50% (approximately) Near vegetarians are just as healthy as vegetarians, but vegetarians over all are healthier. Meat raises rates of heart issues and cancers. We’re not sure why, it could be the fats, it could be that we eat meat over healthier things like plants. 

40 m: Drink the spinach water (and other water that is used to cook vegetables) or use it in soups etc to take in more nutrients. 

42m: Eat animals that eat healthy plants (grass fed, pasture raised, etc) bc there meat/milk/eggs will be better. Buying in bulk can make this more affordable and able to do in season. 

42m: Eat food grown in good soil (true organic regardless of if it is certified) and grown locally. Wild foods are often really good for a variety of reasons. Fish, particularly small fish that don’t have mercury risks, can bring lots of good things. May want to avoid big fish like tuna. 

46m: for vitamin b12, eat food the has been fermented… kimchi, sourdough bread, etc. 

49m: “the whiter the bread, the sooner you’ll be dead…” avoid (or restrict) white flour and instead eat more whole grains that bring fiber and look less like sugar to our bodies. Stone ground grains and oils are best. Too much refinement takes away fiber and vitamins that are good for us. Good oils: olive, sesame, palm fruit, and peanut oils. 

50m: treats are okay, but only rarely. If you made all the French fries you ate, you’d only do it occasionally. 

52m: Supplements don’t do much for most people, but the kind of people that take supplements are typically healthier bc of their overall thinking (eating whole grains, exercising, etc). Fish oil supplements are good for most people bc we don’t eat a lot of fish or other good sources of the things they bring. 

53m: Take all parts of traditional foods, they lasted so long and work because of how they are done. For example, corn is typically nutritiously weak but is often served with lime and beans, which makes for a healthy side. The French eat foods that are not great (white flour, etc) but in small portions, no seconds, and without snacking between communal meals. 

56m: Red wine with dinner brings health benefits. A little every day can bring you good things. Should drink with food.