A review by aeslis
Daughters of Rome by Kate Quinn


I didn't entirely dislike this book, as evidenced by the fact that I finished it. I greatly enjoyed the character growth and change of all the Cornelias, and the way they grow to accept each other's idiosyncrasies, and even love them because of them.

What frustrated me was the constant use of the word 'slut' and the shaming that was going on. Granted, the girls who were accused of that mostly just rolled their eyes, and it never stopped them from being sexual, or denying sexuality when they felt like it.

I do feel strange about the writing style, as well. On the one hand, there was strong visual imagery. On the other, I felt distanced. There were a great many asides and flashbacks, and while they weren't long, they were incredibly common and popped out of nowhere without warning, so you would be jumping around from scene to scene and back and often not quite sure which one was the 'real' one.

Not sure if I'd want to read it again, but I might read the follow-up book (more for the characters than for the writing or plot.)