A review by mariasmusings
Nightside : Tales of Outre Noir by Mark Slade


'Nightside : Tales of Outre Noir' is a collection of dark and unusual stories, mixing horror and comedy in a highly successful manner. There are a total of 15 stories which range from plays to an email exchange. Each being completely different - not just in writing style not also in subject matter - as can be expected when there is a range of authors. One of the best aspects of an anthology of this type is that it serves as an introduction of a variety of new authors and I've certainly come across some authors that I'll be following online as a result. Definitely a positive result from reading 'Nightside : Tales of Outre Noir'.
The collection is also a fairly short read at under 200 pages and easy to get started into reading. The first story of "The Many Indiscretions of Agent 592," by Holly Rae Garcia, works well as the introduction as it is both hilarious (always a good sign, when a story makes me laugh out loud on public transport), with a slightly dark twist and from there we proceed to "Drunk on the Moon" by Paul D. Brazill, leading us into the darker and more twisted territory with zombies and werewolves galore.
Definitely worth a read. Don't miss out.