A review by kcrosswriting
The Healer by Jeffrey G. Roberts


This book has me a bit stymied. I'm not really sure how to review it because I have so many conflicting feelings.

Roberts can definitely spin a tale and read a story. He does a good job keeping the "science" of being on Mars, and the futuristic time setting, to an understanding minimum, so he never lost me in the jargon. I feel that's a hard feat, honestly. There were also several times when, as I read, I thought, 'Oh! Interesting. I never would have thought of that perspective.' It also moves forward at a lightning speed that I think actually helps the plot, but also hinders it.

One of my main complaints was the lack of focus I felt overall. What I thought was the main plot line actually kind of fades into the middle, and a new one pops up. The speed, at the end of the book, detracted from believability. There were also a few too many exclamation points in certain spots to add emphasis that just didn't really do it. I'd say that in many places the book read more like a movie script or a radio script than a piece of fiction. While I liked the characters, their development wasn't all that strong.

That being said, I really didn't ever dread reading this book. I looked forward to picking it back up because the writer can definitely tell a story.