A review by gorybmovie
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Wolves at the Gate by Drew Goddard, Joss Whedon


A Beautful Sunset
Secrets are revealed. Buffy learns that one of her slayers has been caught on tape leading a robbery for weapons and ammunition. How does she deal? She gets back to her roots and takes her aggressions out on a vampire nest with her best slayer-in-training, Satsu. They talk and another truth comes out that would have probably ended with hugs and puppies if it weren’t for season 8′s big bad, Twilight crashing the party.

Yep, we finally get to see Twilight. He flies, wears a mask, is manish, probably has one of those gruff Christian Bale voices. He’s also pissed. Buffy has upset the balance of good and evil with her league of extraordinary gentlewomen and he has made it his mission to put a stop to them all.

Wolves at the Gate
Dracula is back and reunited with his favorite bug-eating lackey, Xander! This time Dracula is teaming up with the Scoobies to take down a gang of gothic, Japanese vampires that stole his powers. I really enjoyed the bromance between Xander and Dracula in this arc. Xander has become more of a friend to Dracula than his man-servant resulting in many funny and endearing exchanges between the two.

This arc is a must for fans of classic horror and creature features. Not only is there Dracula, but giant Dawn attacks Tokyo Godzilla-style! And there is a Mecha Dawn to combat her! You don’t want to miss Wolves at the Gate! This arc is everything that fans of the show love: a perfect mix of horror, action, drama, romance and comedy. Most impressive is the return of series writer Drew Goddard, who received a Hugo Award for his writing in the seventh season of BTVS. Goddard writes these characters as well as Joss Whedon himself. He also knows horror as he showed in his directorial début with writer Whedon, Cabin in the Woods. I recommend this particularly to fans of the show that have had trouble getting into season 8. Sure, Dawn is still a giant but the characters are in a more realistic setting and despite the crazy shenanigans that surround them, there are some fantastic character building moments reminiscent of the TV show.