A review by bookcraft
The Diviners by Libba Bray


I thoroughly enjoyed this. I listened to the audiobook version (thanks for the rec re: the narrator, Isis!) and got the nagging feeling that the book had some POV issues, but it was less jarring and more difficult to tell when listening to it than I imagine it would have been if I'd been reading it. Because I can't be sure without going back and reading the text, I'm giving Bray the benefit of the doubt and 4 stars instead of 3. (I am SUPER PICKY about sloppy POV.)

Looking forward to the next book in the series!

Content note, for those who have triggers:
Spoiler1) there's a rape scene that's so-so on the scale of graphic and detailed—you can avoid it by skipping to the next scene from the point in flashback where Theta's husband comes home to find her dancing—and 2) the last couple of chapters include animal harm