A review by shutupnread
Halfway Bitten by Terry Maggert


Link: https://holedupinabook.blogspot.com/2017/01/book-tour-halfway-bitten-by-terry.html

I definitely found this book to be significantly better than the first one. The plot is so much better. I mean, this one had clowns in it and crazy vampires whereas the first one was Carlie originally trying to find a “mythical circle” of chestnut trees. This is obviously a no-brainer as to which plot is more intriguing to the reader.

That being said, I felt that Carlie, as a character was more developed in this book. I felt like she wasn’t as intricately developed in the first one that it felt like it was character building throughout book one and now that it’s book two, you start to see different aspects of herself. However, I did feel that she was quite annoying at times when she was with Wulfric and would be like “this is what normal girlfriends do” and then proceed to do something a bit obnoxious. I’m pretty sure that’s not what normal girlfriends do – at least that’s not what I did with my previous boyfriends nor do my other friends with their boyfriends.

I think Wulfric really influenced Carlie in a positive way so I was glad to see more of him. Unfortunately he was only around much in the second half – he was pretty MIA during the first half of the book. I think it’s because he’s so old that he’s super patient and calming that he can go along with Carlie’s antics with him. With her personality, she definitely needs someone who is more subdued and more mature. So I think they actually really complement each other well. He needs a little spice in his life after his long exile in the woods and she needs someone to calm her down.

The plot started off a little slow until around halfway and then it actually got quite interesting. I was particularly interested in the fight at the really end with Gran. I’m always shocked to see someone who is elderly fighting. I mean, granted, it’s with magic and not a physical fight but it’s still draining in a mental way so I was very impressed to see Gran fight alongside her. Carlie always talks about how powerful Gran is but you don’t really get to see and understand that till the fight.

At the end, I found this book to be a lot better than the first one so if you can push on through to the next book, I would recommend this one. I also think that the narrator got a little better at narrating this book than the first one. I was actually able to find myself engaged rather than zone off like I had in the previous book. I’m going to rate this one a 3.5* but since Goodreads doesn’t allow half stars, I’ll have to round up on the stars below.