A review by luqwqw1
Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions by Dan Ariely


Such an Interesting read. The author's writing style reminds me of that of Malcom Gladwell, he talks about a rather scientific subject in such amusing way that makes you hooked on the book, what i got from this book is that we are irrational beings, We like to think otherwise though, The Neo cortex tricks us into thinking that we are in control, that we are making logical decision, meanwhile many things influence us without us knowing about it.
Here's a few quotes from the book:

-If you're ever going to a bar, trying to score a little bit of lovin', bring a friend who looks very similar to you - only a little uglier. That way you'll look like the ideal candidate, not just compared to your friend but to everyone else there.

-The 800 dollar bottle of wine is on the menu not because the restaurant ever expects to sell it, but because now you're going to buy the 799 dollar bottle of wine.