A review by kthomas4415
Choosing You by Bree Kraemer


Choosing You- Bree Kraemer 5 stars

Carly Graham is as stubborn as they come. Having her heart broken at a young age and her world shattered has caused her to put up a series of walls that are impossible to surpass unless you are in her circle of trusted friends. Carly had refused to settle down, let alone date and had completely written off ever falling in love. Then, enter Anthony.

Anthony is cocky and confident in all aspects of his life. He is used to never having to prove himself and prides himself in always commanding the attention of the room. Anthony is able to get his way by using his charm on pretty much everyone, well everyone except Carly. They constantly butt heads, ignore each other and sometimes are downright mean. However, under the surface of their signs of hatred to each other is a slow burning fire of passion and hidden feelings that is on the verge of exploding.

After a night of liquid courage, Carly’s inner voice leaves a few messages for Anthony telling her exactly how she feels and throws out an open invitation to him whenever he wants. Just when the timing seems perfect and all the stars are aligning for them, Carly’s life is tipped upside down with a ghost from her past that could completely change her life forever. Carly is left having to deal with feelings and memories she has suppressed for years and leaning on friends and family for support after she has been a lone wolf for so long. Will Carly choose the love she deserves or put all of her feelings aside to do the right thing?

Bree Kraemer has written a beautiful novel from start to finish. I was stuck in the rush of the fast-paced writing style and beautiful world of Cedarville that was created. The author painted an incredible picture of loving family, beyond incredible friends and walked you through a city that made you want it to be your hometown. The relationship between Anthony and Carly is passionate, complicated, heart wrenching and believable. In the end you want to root for the good guys and the happy ending, it is an emotional roller coaster to get to it but I promise it is worth the ride.