A review by dmcke013
Two Necromancers, a Dwarf Kingdom, and a Sky City by L.G. Estrella


The fourth - and, to date, final - entry in [a:L.G. Estrella|7406246|L.G. Estrella|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png]'s 'Unconventional Heroes' series, which came across largely (to me, at least) as three or even four books in some, with distinct cuts between each of the various sections as follows:

1) Rescuing a princess from a powerful crime lord
2) Dealing with a rampaging horde of goblins that are about to overrun a dwarf kingdom
3) Recovering the lost Sky City from a different dimension
4) The start of a war, fought over the possession of that Sky City in the first instance.

AS in the previous three entries in the series, this also seems to end with Timmy's, ummm, 'entourage' expanding ever and ever larger - I would not be at all surprised to find who was a secondary character here to become a primary character in further entries.

Of which, I assume (and hope) there will be more ... ?