A review by literarystrawberry
The Map to Everywhere by Carrie Ryan


I wrested back and forth for a while with what to rate this book. When I started I was pretty sure it was going to be a solid three star read, but then somewhere along the way it got bumped up a little. Maybe 3.5? 3.6? Not /quite/ four stars, at any rate, but I did enjoy it.

(I don't feel like writing a proper review at the moment so I'll just leave a few impressions)

Some pretty neat concepts. Good main characters. Interesting villain design. Pretty long for a middle-grade novel; I was able to get through well enough, but I could see it dragging some for a younger kid. Probably my favorite part was the friendship between Fin and Marrill-- I'm a sucker for lovely platonic relationships. Also the Naysayer. I liked him.

There were one or two weird typos (I took a pen and fixed "career" to "careen" off a cliff) and some mildly questionable stylistic choices, but I doubt anyone of the intended age group will care.

All in all, it wasn't the best book I've ever read, but I liked it. And my brother read it too and enjoyed it, which is always a plus. I'll probably check out the next book whenever it comes out, if only to see what happens with Fin.