A review by ladyfives
Angel, Vol. 2: City of Demons by Bryan Edward Hill

He hates his own reflection. When you’re a vampire, you make people your mirrors.

Review for volumes 1 and 2. Although I enjoyed Angel the Series, I was really never attached to how the gang all got together and also thought Angel's backstory itself was sort of stunted by the limits of the medium & the budget. It's great seeing a more fantastical version of his history (and a flashy, gory interpretation of the vampires doing their vamp stuff), and though I'm not wild about the Lilith character essentially just telling the characters how to make a plot happen, I'll continue on to see how this remix of the OG Angel Investigations gang (Angel, Fred, Gunn, and Spike) come together.

Art is gorgeous and expressive and moody. Serious bummer about the awful sameface problem for the women, since clearly the artist is so skilled (welcome to comics i guess). I think with the male characters it hits a fabulous balance of stylized and reminiscent of the actors (Spike is a definite stand-out, and Gunn's got these big gentle eyes that remind you that he's the young, weak human of the bunch even if he talks a big game, and Lorne is both charming and frightening), but you cannot convince me that is Fred. Or Buffy. Or Lilah. Or Kate (I peeked at vol. 3). You cannot because they're all copy-pasted faces, and that face looks like none of them.

Generally the whole thing could use more agency and direction and charm but hey I'm along for the ride, let's see.

Anyways, more Spike in those terrible graphic tees please!