A review by rainmisoa
Before You Were Here, Mi Amor by Santiago Cohen, Samantha Vamos


This is the very first children's book that I read for We Give Books, A Pearson Foundation Initiative to help children all around the world obtain books. It's an organization that gathers many campaigns in one spot on the web to encourage people to read many books for children. With every book you read, one gets donated to the campaign you signed up for. (There's quite a few campaigns available.) A very good friend of mine, Nicole Terazue, recommended this site to me since she knew I loved reading books! (Thanks love!) The campaign I chose to be a part of is called Books For Asia. Every book that I read associated with We Give Books gets donated to Books For Asia so that less fortunate kids in Asia will be able to have more books to read from and learn. It's a fabulous project and I urge all readers, especially parents with young children, to join and help other children less fortunate than our own to read and spread the word of We Give Books. It will benefit children everywhere.

Okay! On to the actual book review. This is a very cute book written for children between the ages of four and seven but I think anyone with the heart of a child could enjoy reading this. (I know I did and I'm tw-- not a child. XD) It is a cute story of a mother expecting a child and the little things the family decides to do in preparation for the babe. Not only is this book colorful and bright but it's also very educational. It introduces children to the Spanish languages whilst keeping it simple for them to understand. It keeps the reader involved with the story and, what's more, there's a glossary on the back of the book with the correct English translation. What do I mean by correct? Well, this book uses the "baby" form of Spanish words. The glossary contains the English equivalent of the "baby" form of the Spanish word. For example, "barrguita" in English is translated into "tummy." The "adult" forms would have been "estómago" in Spanish and "stomach" in English. (I hope my explanation is understandable.) It's a very cute book, follows a great pattern, highly educational, and the artwork is true to its Hispanic routes. Samantha Vamos and Santiago Cohen did an excellent job in creating such an amazing children's book. I recommend it to all parents who want their child to experience a different culture or wants their child to learn a few words in a foreign language. You will not be disappointed.