A review by mommasaystoread
Teen Killers Club by Lily Sparks


Teen Killers Club was - Well, it was different. Needless to say, it had that in the plus column from the get-go. I don't read (or listen) to much teen or young adult fiction anymore. Mostly because the older I get, the more trouble I have relating to teenagers, especially today's teenagers. Nevertheless, this book caught my eye so I jumped right in. And I wound up being quite impressed. I won't go into the details since anything that isn't included in the blurb doesn't need to be out there. Instead, this is definitely one to be soaked up without spoilers. There are lots of twists, some sit up and take notice moments, and a group of characters that, love them or hate them (and there are some of both), you'll be intrigued enough to want to know more. This one is even more impressive for being a debut, and Lily Sparks has definitely set the bar quite high for her next novel. The narrator for this book, Jesse Vilinsky, was new to me but I'll be happy to listen again. She does get a bit quiet at times, but I'm not sure if that was the narration or just a problem with the audio. Either way, I did have to turn up the volume a couple of times. I will note that this one does get a little disturbing at times, so I'd use caution depending on your teen's maturity level.