A review by lyonstails
The Sorrows of Mexico by Juan Villoro, Anabel Hernández, Lydia Cacho


I saw Lydia Cacho at the Hay Literary Festival speaking about the practice of journalists being murdered throughout Mexico for uncovering stories of corruption and crime, as well as her own struggles associated with writing freely. She brings with her a strength of will that I have not witnessed too many times before. I immediately wanted to buy the book.

While Mexico's problems run deep, these accounts of some of the worst tragedies to strike the country in the last couple of years / decades is an important reminder that the people who are most affected are everyday citizens, those who are just trying to get on with their lives.

Published in English to allow native speaking countries easy access to the text (i.e The US and UK), The Sorrows of Mexico is going to be a book I recommend for a long time.