A review by bartendm
The Business of Being a Writer by Jane Friedman


An excellent book full of wisdom from one of the foremost leaders in advice for writers. This book is not just a rehash of material on her blog and Electric Speed newsletter, but is a carefully thought out guide to writers in the early stages of their careers about how to make a living from their craft. I love that she even has numbers about what you might expect to earn with various activities, so expectations can be brought to reality. She is honest and direct about what to expect and how best to be successful in a range of activities related to writing, not just writing the novel of the century. It's easy to just read the sections relevant to your own work, or to read the whole thing if you're curious about the world of publishing and how it has changed in recent years. It would be great for writing classes and it would be unfair to students not to present this material in some form or another.