A review by raven168
Interstellar Human Petting Zoo by Loki Renard


I really couldn't get all that into this book because I absolutely hated the female mc. She was just so goddamn stupid and annoying. Like other reviewers, I hate when a character blindly going off on some idiotic self important tangent is touted as them being brave. It's really not. Especially when they have considered exactly zero of the repercussions from their actions.

This picks up right where the last one ends, with One finding another human. Reaper sends Tarkan to find and free them, and as soon as he sees 42, Tarkan knows she is his. Bloodshed ensues and this group makes their escape. 42 was part of a zoo and because she refused to cooperate she was made to suffer a lot. So when she is rescued, she finds it near impossible to trust Tarkan and is constantly waiting for the next round of hurt to befall her. Tarkan sees her trauma clear as day and knows he has to be careful with how he deals with her...despite what Reaper says. And on one hand, I agree with him. But JFC did Tarkan coddle 42 way too much. He lets her destroy things and attack people without even trying to make her see she's done wrong. At some point, I stopped caring about what she went thru because her thoughts and actions were just starting to grate on me. And I hated how she would say that there's no point in fighting one moment, and the next act like some rabid animal.

So 42 has absolutely no memories before waking up in chains and the only clue about where 42 came from is a tattoo of a star pattern on her arm, which eventually the computer actually locates. So off they go. When they get there, it's not what any of them were expecting to find. Things only get worse when they go down to the planet. And really, what were any of them expecting when they took 42 with them? This chick has an attitude problem the size of the galaxy and not enough brains to even have basic common sense. Needless to say, things only get worse and worse. Tarkan is there to more or less save 42 from herself and they go back to the ship. But by this point we all know what's going on on that planet with probably the only humans left alive, and 42 all of a sudden thinks herself some sort of radical savior because she can't stand to know that humans are living like that. Her plan here was just so goddamn stupid. Seriously. I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how anyone would think this was a good idea that would actually change anything. I know this is fiction, but when characters are written this dumb, I want them to suffer. Too bad it's Tarkan that suffers because of her stupidity. Again. And also again, 42 gets off with barely a slap on the wrist despite all the lives she probably caused to be taken, and all the suffering she put Reaper and Tarkan thru.

Hopefully the next one will be better.