A review by lizzuplans
A Very Terrible Text by Donna Jeffries


A nice romance, but nothing spectacular to me. 

Hillary and Liam were nice together, but I did not really feel their sparks. Also, some of the side stories (Hillary’s ex fiancé, the enigmatic son of the person she was interviewing, etc.) we’re set-up, but not really finished in a satisfying way. Perhaps they will visit in future stories?

I very much liked the idea of all the friends living together in the Big House and I can see each of the girls getting their own book and their own chance at happily ever after. 
It was a bit strange to me to have two chapters in this book from Claudia’s point of view. OK it will tie things together with the next book, but this story could have done without. 
Still, looking forward to more of the Cider Cove series!

3.5 stars rounded down. 

I received an ARC of this book (thanks!) and these are my own opinions.