A review by errantdreams
Come Twilight by Tyler Dilts


I'm caught between a three and a four on this one.

I think the characters were surprisingly realistic. It isn’t easy on Jen (Danny’s partner) or on Julia (Danny’s girlfriend) when Danny has to stay under guard and under wraps. He’s not a man who relaxes easily, and by the time we get into the meat of things, both Jen and Julia have largely had it with him. His behavior should piss them off; it’s nice to not see them giving in to it.

I love that a side character signed his rental agreement with the name “Kobayashi Maru”. That threw the cops off something fierce until they finally stumbled across a detective who’s also a nerd!

At one point Danny is abducted and told, “stay away from her!” But unfortunately he doesn’t get a chance to ask who, which makes things all the trickier.

This book didn’t wow me, but I enjoyed it.

Book provided for review by publisher
Original review on my site: http://www.errantdreams.com/2016/08/short-take-come-twilight-tyler-dilts/