A review by bookbriefs
The Best Medicine by Elizabeth Hayley


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The Best Medicine is the first book in a new series by Elizabeth Hayley. I really enjoyed The Best Medicine and I am even more excited for the next book, which is the main character's best friend, Quinn's story. The Best Medicine is a supremely sexy read with a surprising amount of character depth. I think there was a wonderful balance of character backstory and in the moment fun romance between Lauren and Scott.

Lauren, the main character and I had a rocky initial meeting with one another. The book opens with this whirlwind scene where I honestly did not know what to think. There was a lot going on and I didn't know if Lauren was spontaneous to the point of flippant immaturity or if she just had the worst luck imaginable. Either way, I was wary. But after the first chapter, the whole tone of the book changed. I am not joking- Lauren seemed like a different person from there on out. We saw glimpses of her slightly eccentric and crazy side, and she was plucky as all get out, but she didn't seem nearly as undone to me as she did in the first chapter. I really started to like Lauren and by only 5 or so chapters in, I was singing a different tune. She is a real spitfire. I love that she can dish it right back if she doesn't like something you have to say, and I loved loved loved how observant she was.

I don't blame Scott for being unnerved by her. She really did seem to have him pegged from the moment she met him. I found it hilarious to watch him squirm. Lauren had this uncanny ability to grab the upper hand with a single sentence. I could not get enough of their dynamic. It made me smile. As the story goes on, the chemistry builds into something extremely sexy. But not only that, we really get to know Lauren and Scott. Deep down to the core of what them, them. It was the perfect complement for all their sexy times.

Bottom line: If you like contemporary romances that can not only dish the banter back and forth at lightning speed, but also have really great, complex characters, and of course a fantastic romance, The Best Medicine is the book for you.

This review was originally posted on Book Briefs