A review by emilymorgand
It's Raining Cupcakes by Lisa Schroeder


Rated three stars because this book would be great - for the proper age group. I wasn't aware when I started reading this that it's a cheesy coming-of-age story about an annoying 12 year old who acted... Well, 12. Don't even get me started on the mother, ugh. Annoying. The only character I liked was Lana, who was only in it for the last quarter.

I also didn't like that the whole book was what's-her-face-protagonist (I've already forgotten her name because she was just that forgettable) complaining about how much she wanted to get out of her small town, then she finally does, and there was only about three pages written about it and the contest. I mean, seriously, with as much as she complained about wanting to leave, you couldn't give us a little more detail? She was in New York for pete's sake! Or at least tell us if she won the contest?

Long story short - if you're a 12 year old, read this. You'll probably enjoy it. Any older than that, skip it. This book isn't for you.