A review by allyssabrinker
The Last Daughter by Alexis L. Menard


In short, the story follows Ailsa and Vali. Vali is a god who has been searching for the "tether" to save his land. Ailsa's entire family has been slaughtered by Vali in search of the tether. Ailsa was born with a chronic disease passed down from her mother and has been sheltered her entire life because of it, though she longs to explore.

When the tether bounds itself to Ailsa, Vali is forced to take her to his home land.

The world building was exceptional. While I'm a fan of mythology, I don't know too much of Norse mythology and I found that despite this, the author's details of the mythology were clear and engaging.

I also found the characters enjoyable. The MC Ailsa is fierce and strong. I also appreciate the storyline of Ailsa's family curse, and how she's still strong and shows that what others perceive as weakness doesn't have to define a person. I also loved Vali right away and enjoyed watching his progression.

The slow burn between the two made the story that more believable. The pay off was worth it. In my opinion, the beginning IS engaging, (especially when Vali and Ailsa first meet) but the story really picks up about thirty percent of the way through. :)

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.