A review by tsana
The Implausible Story of Olive Far Far Away by Tonya Alexandra


The Implausible Story of Olive Far Far Away by Tonya Alexandra is the sequel to The Impossible Story of Olive in Love, which I previously reviewed and enjoyed. The first book wasn't one that required a sequel, but this sequel worked well and was a very enjoyable read. This review contains spoilers for the end of the first book.

As soon as I picked up this book I was drawn back into Olive's world. The first person narration in this story is very compellingly written and makes this book difficult to put down. In the first book, we learn about Olive the girl cursed to be invisible to all except her true love. In that book her world is turned upside down when she finally meets a boy, Tom, who can see her. After much angst and many poor decisions she takes control of her life and goes travelling with her friend Jordan. It is during those travels that The Implausible Story of Olive Far Far Away picks up the story. Olive is still invisible and is now having shenanigans on a world stage.

As Olive and Jordan meet new people and travel to new places, they get the opportunity to grow as people. One minor thing I wasn't a fan of in the first book was how self-centred Olive was and this sequel gives her the chance to grow as a person. Which is not to say she doesn't make mistakes along the way. The story also introduces new characters, sets up a love triangle (and has the best resolution to a love triangle I've read), and further explores Olive's curse and her background.

I really enjoyed this book. It was a very fun and satisfying read. I don't expect there to be a sequel but I will definitely be keeping an eye out for other books by Alexandra. I highly recommend it to readers who enjoyed The Impossible Story of Olive in Love, and to anyone who liked that book but found either Olive or the romantic elements annoying. I also recommend the series generally to fans of YA and New Adult (which is probably how I'd class the second book, though I also wouldn't refrain from giving it to teens). Since quite a bit of backstory relies on knowing about events in the first book, I don't suggest reading them out of order.

4.5 / 5 stars

You can read more of my reviews on my blog.