A review by katiev
Gamble on Passion by Jacqueline Baird


2.5-3 stars

I usually enjoy Baird's a-hole heroes more. This guy just pissed me off mostly and he wasn't too bright.

Jacy is an 18-year-old virgin when she meets 28-year-old Leo on vacation in Greece. He seduces her, she falls head-over-heels and when he realizes she is the daughter of a tabloid reporter whose rag had written an embarrassing article about him he dumps the heroine, accuses her of trying to dig up dirt on him, and tells her she's worse than a whore.

Ouch, right? Not according to our less than ingenious hero.

10 years later they meet up again and he just does not understand why she is so hostile to him and won't just go to bed with him. She's 28 after all and has 'obviously' slept with half of England by now. Why not him? She literally has to spell it out for his stupid ass. Seriously?!? You don't think calling an innocent 18 year old a bunch of names and then walking out on her would ring a bell? That maybe, just maybe she's not so keen on you because you acted like a dick and at a very vulnerable age/time in her life? DUH!!!

It's like that all through. He vacillates between showing care/ deeper intentions and treating her like a whore. I know that's par for the course with many of these heroes, but jeez!

Example: She had a decent house in a nice neighborhood that her father had left her in his will. She was also a respectable and successful businesswoman. The H didn't know about the will, but he did know she was a serious businesswoman. Still, his assumption is that she got the house from one of her lovers. And she didn't castrate him for this?!

Of course, he gets away with some of this crap because she's half-heartedly trying to lure him into a trap where she leads him on and ditches him for revenge.

He's also childishly vengeful toward her (while still planning on marrying her). He overheard her making a bet with a friend that Jacy could have an antique belonging to the friend if she dated the first single man who walked through the door for at least a month. Her friend was simply trying to get Jacy to date. Because, obviously, her sexuality went into hibernation after Leo and she's never done more than go on a casual date or two since. Also, the friend knows that the hero will be that first single man through the door. He was doing business with her husband and she thought he was handsome/a good catch for Jacy and didn't know that there was bad history.

Anyway, we find out later that Leo is in love and fully intends on marrying Jacy but that doesn't stop him from treating her like a whore the first time they end up in bed. He gives her an expensive necklace, insults her, and leaves. His justification: this will teach her for making that bet and he's going out of town for business anyway so he can use their time apart to prevent her from winning her bet and then come back and marry her after the month is over. The man is 39 years old at this point and this is how he deals with the woman he loves and plans to marry. Nice.

Why 2.5-3 stars? Can't look away, wallbanging, guilty HP pleasure. I read it in one sitting. That's all I can say to defend myself.